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Autor Tema: Zanimljivost  (Posjeta: 167927 vremena)

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« u: Siječanj 29, 2016, 19:11:25 poslijepodne »
Kim Basinger to Play Christian Grey’s Former Lover in ‘Fifty Shades Darker’ (EXCLUSIVE)

Novosti za sve vas ljubitelje "50 nijansi" serijala.
Dobili smo Elenu Linkoln , tj gospodju Robinson, kako je Ana zove, igrace je u filmu Kim Besindzer .

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Odg: Zanimljivost
« Odgovori #1 u: Srpanj 26, 2016, 11:34:22 prijepodne »
HARRY POTTER FANS!!! Here's the NEW trailer for Fantastic Beasts!

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Odg: Zanimljivost
« Odgovori #2 u: Rujan 13, 2016, 20:21:45 poslijepodne »
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)

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Odg: Zanimljivost
« Odgovori #3 u: Studeni 08, 2016, 08:58:47 prijepodne »
Can you think of anything worse than the prospect of Jamie Dornan being replaced in the Fifty Shades Of Grey movies?

I know, right – it's the stuff of nightmares.

But if he were to be replaced, we can think of a worse candidate than fellow stud muffin Ian Somerhalder.

Priča se, da će Ian Somerhalder u zadnjem dijelu zamjeniti Jamie Dornana u ulozi gospodina Greya.


Na Jamieja smo se navikli ali da priznam, ja sam nekad zamišljala da će Grey biti baš Ian  :lunna:
A opet izbor između


nije lak....

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Odg: Zanimljivost
« Odgovori #4 u: Veljača 14, 2017, 20:38:30 poslijepodne »
based on a YA novel about "a girl who’s literally allergic to the outside world, and the boy who moves in next door and becomes the greatest risk she’s ever taken"



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