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Autor Tema: ABBYY FineReader  (Posjeta: 18397 vremena)

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ABBYY FineReader
« u: Lipanj 18, 2018, 11:22:59 prijepodne »

ABBYY FineReader 14 - a universal solution for working with paper and PDF-documents, which allows managers to get rid of daily routine tasks, increasing business efficiency.
ABBYY FineReader 14 provides a wide range of features in one program, combining the leading ABBYY OCR recognition technologies and the necessary tools for working with various types of PDF.

? Working with PDF documents
Solve daily tasks for working with PDF-documents using ABBYY FineReader 14. View PDF-documents and work with their contents - the program allows you to create, edit, comment, sign, protect documents and much more. Learn More
? Recognition and conversion
Convert simple office documents in one click, using predefined tasks. And various professional tools will help to reproduce as accurately as possible the appearance of documents with a more complex structure. Learn More
? Document comparison 1
Compare documents of any formats, both paper and electronic, using the built-in application. It will quickly identify significant inconsistencies in the text and help prevent the signing or publication of an incorrect version of the document.
Learn More
? Automatic processing 2
Configure the hot folder using the ABBYY Hot Folder application. Documents from the assigned folder are processed on a schedule. This speeds up the execution of the template tasks and increases the productivity of the work.
Learn More
1 Available as part of the ABBYY FineReader 14 Enterprise edition.
2 Available in ABBYY FineReader 14 Business and Enterprise editions. Processing volumes are limited.

System requirements::
operating system
? Microsoft® Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 8/7
? Microsoft Windows Server® 2016/2012/2012 R2 / 2008 R2
? To work with a localized interface, the operating system must provide the necessary language support.
A computer
? An x86 or x64 processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz and support for the SSE2 instruction set.
? The amount of RAM: at least 1 GB (recommended - from 4 GB)
? Free disk space: 1.2 GB for a typical installation and 1.2 GB for the program.
? Video card and monitor with a resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels.
? TWAIN or WIA-compatible scanner (when using the scan function).
? Internet connection to activate the serial number (recommended).
? Keyboard, mouse, or other pointing device.

ABBYY FineReader Enterprise

ABBYY FineReader Corporate

Offline Gringos

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Odg: ABBYY FineReader
« Odgovori #1 u: Srpanj 27, 2018, 20:33:54 poslijepodne »
za split i rotiranje dvostrane knjige, treba isključiti Tools→Options, select the "Scan/Open" tab, uncheck the "Split facing pages" box...

In FineReader there actually is a setting for scenarios like this: go to Tools→Options, select the "Scan/Open" tab and uncheck the "Split facing pages" box in the "Image preprocessing" options block. This option controls whether or not the program should automatically split images that contain facing pages into two images containing a page each.

Offline Gringos

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Odg: ABBYY FineReader
« Odgovori #2 u: Srpanj 27, 2018, 20:42:23 poslijepodne »
kada unesete cijelu knjigu, idete na SELECT ALL i i rotirate na stranu koju želite, da bi kod RECOGNIZEA, prepoznavanja stranice splitao po jednu ispod druge iz dvostrane stranice, isključite kvačicu iz gore postavljene slike... :hi:

Offline Gringos

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Odg: ABBYY FineReader
« Odgovori #3 u: Prosinac 17, 2018, 20:12:34 poslijepodne »
I ja sam se to isto pitala nakratko kad su ga uveli kao ponudu.
Čitam sad detaljnije i mislim da enterpryse više mogućnosti daje biznis korisnicima, mada, opet nisam sigurna.
Nisam neko ko alatkama zaviruje u dušu.
Knjige i ljudi su mi više za tu namenu, :D
Dvanaestica je samo u Corporate imala biznis funkcije, četrnaestica ih ima i u Corporate i u enterpryse.

Malo sam surfao po netu oko corporate vs enterpryse...

Koliko vidim corporate ima više mogućnosti za povezivanje mrežnih skenera i rad u tvrtkama koje koriste interne računalne mreže: PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN, SAN, VAN, WLAN mreže:

Učinkovit grupni rad

Podrška za mreža skaner i MFPs in ABBYY

Distribuirana obrada dokumenta

Zajedničko korištenje prilagođenih brzih zadataka unutar radne grupe

Podrška za Terminal Server

Podrška za Citrix

Podrška za Windows Server ® 2003

Podrška za Windows Server 2018

Automatizirana mrežna instalacija

Licenca voditelj korisni programi za kontroliranje dozvola običajna u LAN-u

Fleksibilne licence opcije za susret poslovnim potrebama (istodoban i OpenBSD dozvola)

Dodatne aplikacije za produktivnost

ABBYY screenshot Reader ™ (poboljšan)

ABBYY Business Card Reader ™ (novi)

više na ovoj stranici:

moje mišljenje, corporate verzija je nepotrebno instalirati pošto dobijete brdo opcija koje nećete trebati kao kućni korisnik... :hi:

Offline Batman

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  • Sebi najbolji !!!
Odg: ABBYY FineReader
« Odgovori #4 u: Kolovoz 06, 2024, 05:07:53 prijepodne »
ABBYY FineReader PDF 16

✔ Create, edit, and organize PDFs
✔ Create fillable PDF forms
✔ Collaborate on and approve PDFs
✔ Compare documents in different formats
✔ Protect and sign PDFs
✔ Digitize paper documents and scans with OCR
✔ Optimize digitization and conversion routines
✔ Flexible licensing: per seat, concurrent, remote

Instalacija: Ne trebate niišta raditi osim instalacije. Instaliraš i gotovo!

Bolje je komunicirati s dobrom knjigom, nego s praznim čovjekom. :st:

Offline Batman

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  • Spol: Muški
  • Sebi najbolji !!!
Odg: ABBYY FineReader
« Odgovori #5 u: Kolovoz 19, 2024, 02:32:26 prijepodne »
ABBYY FineReader 15

ABBYY FineReader PDF is a comprehensive PDF solution that incorporates ABBYY’s state-of-the-art OCR technology with a versatile set of advanced features to create, enhance and transform all kinds of PDF documents.

Bolje je komunicirati s dobrom knjigom, nego s praznim čovjekom. :st:


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